Tuesday 22 June 2010

Victimized PAF Personnal And their Families


Being Armed Forces Personnel we have very limited or no outlets to express our  suffering, injustice and frustration in public but to comply with orders from our superiors whether right or wrong, in other words do it or die but we are not suppose to ask “why” ?
The so called war on Terrorism striped the moral fiber in our Armed Forces and let morale touch the lowest bottom because of such acts of horror.
We, the petitioners did not do nothing wrong, did not break any discipline or been guilty of any un-patriotic action but the fact is that because of our religious appearance with beard or our faith in our Islamic ideology and a vote of “NO” to the referendum of General Musharaf led our superiors to target us as “Terrorist” or anti state elements. More then 100 people were abducted out of which 6 people awarded death sentence ( one Sepoy Islam Siddiqui was hanged in August 2005 ) 77 people awarded 2 to 20 years RI and 30 people dismissed from service.

1. We were abducted and kept in lockup/torture cells more then 90 days to 2 years ( 2004 to 2006 ) against the legal provisions of any military laws and without proper trial or due process.

2. During this time witnesses were coerced to sign statements prepared by the intelligence agencies suiting their strategy / needs. Ironically even the witnesses were blind folded, shackled and hand cuffed appeared in court.

3. Victims and witnesses were threatened that their wives and sisters will be raped if they refuse to give the statement of authority’s choice.

4. Confession statements were executed by the victims under life threat, and threat of injury or harm to victim families and brutal torture tactics. As a result of brutal methods of torture some of the victims lost their partial eye site, hearing, spinal and cervical spine injuries besides loss of ankles and knee joints. Some of the victims suffer severe mental disorders and hallucinations. In one instance one victim ( Cpl Tech Hashmat Khan resident of Kohat ) passed away as a result of excessive use of force and torture which was later described as commission of suicide by the victim.

5. The victim families were deprived of their wages, living quarters, medical facilities and even security. The families lived under constant threat and insecurity and children in many cases quit schools for defamation of their parent. The families suffered unjust public humiliation which they did not deserve.

6. Victim were granted unjust dishonorable discharge from service without any recourse or right to pension or any kind of benefits.

7. The entire proceedings of all such false and fabricated cases were held in mock courts and sentences were awarded according to their choices without following any law or even universal norms of justice and Human rights.

8. The disappearances cases of civilians and military personnel aimed to protect and benefit General Musharaf were protested not only nationally but also projected internationally as gross violation of human rights.

We, the victims and our families appeal to the Chief Justice of Pakistan Supreme Court and to the masses of Pakistan for justice. The personnel still in jails in such false cases under the pretext of “Terrorism” to be released immediately. Their illegal shackles be removed without any further delay which is a violation of Supreme Court orders, and those discharged to be reinstated with full benefits and full compensation for pain, suffering and loss of wages.
We appeal to the Chief Justice of Pakistan Supreme Court of Pakistan to take SOU-MOTO action and grant justice. Justice delayed is Justice denied and we hope our appeal will not go unnoticed or unheard. We also appeal to the media both electronic and print to help us promote our genuine cause just like you ably promoted the cause of justice for the Chief Justice of Pakistan.

Pakistan Paindabad.

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